Benefits of Saturn Ion 2.2L Stage 1 Performance Tune
- Cooling Fans set to 205F
- Fan speed increase for more rapid cooling.
- Speed Limiter Removed
- Mass Air Flow sensor calibrated for most cold air intakes on the market.
- Power Enrichment delay removed to allow for more immediate Full-Throttle response
- Air Fuel Ratio adjusted for better performance.
- Timing Calibrated for Premium Grade Fuel. (91+ octane).
- Low end torque and fuel economy improved by adjusted timing
- Spike at ~4,000rpms less severe due to a more linear power curve
- Top end timing advanced for better peak horsepower
- RPM Limiter increased in manuals to allow for more aggressive full throttle shifts
- Torque Management (granny controls) removed to prevent computers from reducing torque output below 3,000 RPMs
- Typical gains: 8-10HP and 12-18lbs of TQ at the wheels.
- *NEW* Automatic Transmission equipped cars now have Full Throttle Shift points raised to 6,750 RPM.
- *NEW* Automatic Transmission shift time reduced by 0.25 seconds per gear change.